Sesame Street is a preschool puppet series produced by Sesame Workshop, formerly known as Children's Television Workshop. It premiered on PBS on November 10, 1969. Since 2015, episodes are aired first-run on HBO.
Sesame Street is known for some references to A Chorus Line.
- A proposed 10th anniversary special for Sesame Street, A-B-Chorus Line, derived its working title and basic premise from the musical, where the regular cast of the series is shown auditioning for the show.
- In a Sesame Street insert, a chorus line of golden, glittery numbers sing the song "One" from the musical.
- The insert is seen on home video in "123 Count With Me", with the intro and ending cut.
- A version of "I Can Do That," with some revised lyrics, was performed by Elmo and others in the Sesame Street Live show, Silly Dancing. The same track was used in the Sesame Place stage show, "You and Me at Sesame."
- Christopher Chadman choreographed A Special Sesame Street Christmas.
- Marvin Hamlisch and Ed Kleban were credited in the Songs section of the credits in the video "123 Count With Me".
- Jeff Hyslop performed "Trashbusters" in the Canadian version of the show.
- Mario Lopez appeared in a season 43 episode of Sesame Street as a news reporter for EXTRA Sesame Street, parodying his role as an entertainment reporter.
- Dave Tofani played saxophone in some albums.