A Chorus Line Wiki

Tap Combination


Original cast portrayal. (Martha Swope)

"The Tap Combination" is the thirteenth musical number in A Chorus Line. Save for brief vocal interjections, it is mostly an instrumental interlude leading up to Paul's accident.


LARRY. (to THE AUDITIONERS) Okay, the tap combination. A-five, six, seven, eight ...
SHEILA. (sung) God, when it's over do I need a drink!
MIKE. (sung) He's gotta know what he wants by now.
BEBE. (sung) Oh, Jesus, have I got a headache!
MAGGIE. (sung) I'm not sure I can smile much longer.
JUDY. (sung) I should'a been a singer .. .
(bad, soprano-like, high note) "Aaaahh!"
(spoken, exasperated) Well ...
BOBBY. (sung) If George Hamilton can be a movie star,
Then I could be a movie star.
AL. (sung) What am I doing in show business?
